
Is it environmentally friendly?


Switzerland is a global leader in recycling and trash management. The Swiss have succeeded in separating and recycling organic and recyclable garbage while transforming the remainder into electricity. Furthermore, Switzerland supplies virtually all of its residents with CO2-free power. According to FDFA, Switzerland has begun an energy transition process ("Energy Strategy 2050") since 2011, with the goal of gradually phase out nuclear power.

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Barbie has been at the center of many-body image controversies .

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443 years ago it was known as Prayag

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Did you Know? Columbus Didn't Actually Discover America


Migraines can be triggered by insomnia.

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Exercise Forestalls Migrane

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One of the oldest canine breeds still in existence is the Indian pariah dog.

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Norway's In the summer, the sun never sets.

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Did you Know! The secret of the well-known Syamantak Mani

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To safeguard her health, Queen Elizabeth I used a half-inch of lip rouge.