Yogurt has helpful bacterial cultures that can help boost immune system activity.
The yeti's etymology is extremely hazy.
Did you Know? Humans and slugs have many characteristics.
The World's Largest Pre-Raphaelite Painting Collection
The locals had Hollywood grins.
Almost no 'witch' was ever burned at the stake.
Cashew trees grow in tropical climates.
The Kepler telescope has discovered over 1,200 potential worlds, including 68 Earth-sized planets.
One of the Most Expensive Cities in the U.S.
In a prison, the first mass-produced toothbrush prototype was created.
Insects are extensively consumed across Cambodia.
Chihuahuas have floppy ears from birth.
Cobain didn't think "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was particularly catchy.
Did you Know? Moldova's national dish is porridge
Pet Rats Sold Big After Ratatouille
Starbucks has been sued for under-filling lattes.
Fun Fact! Spain is a very sunny country
Is Dulce De Leche made with butterscotch?
The Vieng Xai Caves used to hide an entire city.
Young plants have upright stems, but as they get older, they gradually start to creep or trail.
In your passport photo, you cannot wear a uniform or cover your face or head.
Did you Know? A little water can add up to a lot of snow.
centipedes are Ancient
Doctor Strange has an eye in the middle of his brow.
The Oxford English Dictionary requires your assistance.
Did you know that the term "coccyx" (tailbone) comes from the word "cuckoo"?