yogurt, skin container, milk, shepherd, rediscovered

It can help strengthen your immune system.

yogurt, skin container, milk, shepherd, rediscovered

Yogurt has helpful bacterial cultures that can help boost immune system activity.

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Did you Know? There is a record of eating 29 cupcakes in just 30 seconds.

Angkor Wat, temple, ruins, Hinduism, religion, machu picchu, Cambodia

The biggest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia may be found here.

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Fast Reading Helps to Protect the Eyes


Instead of Eskimo, Inuit want to be referred to as Inuk or Inuit.

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The Fundamental Attribution Error may aid in explaining conspiracy ideas.

Hong Kong

Country parks and nature reserves cover 40% of Hong Kong.

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Revolutionary War in the United States


The world's first human rights charter was created by the Persians

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Did you Know? Friendship is one of the very first things we learn about.

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Jellyfish have been around for over 650 million years, outliving dinosaurs and sharks!

Indian, street dog, dogs

The all-arounder for Indian conditions is the Indian Pariah dog.

apple, vitamin c, riboflavin, cells, nutrients

Custard Apple Improves Vision

Quartz Crystal, activate, crystals, reprogram

Quartz Crystal activation requires programming.

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A British royal is responsible for modern newspaper columns.

vitamin D

It is untrue that vitamin D supplements cause people to lose weight.

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Did you Know? Gayatri Mantra is composed of the initial letter of each of the Ramayana's 1000 verses.

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Many People With ADHD Struggle With Short-Term Memory

Fish, humans, nostrils, organs, water, smell

Not all Hermit Crabs make use of discarded seashells as temporary dwellings.

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Nyepi – The Day of Complete Lockdown

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Is PCOS a condition with no cure?

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A 155-year-old mousetrap successfully caught a mouse in 2016.

dream facts, facts about dreaming facts, learning in dream, niels bohr

Did you Know? Negative dreams are more common!


Motivation is provided via vision boards.

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Did you Know the Origin of iPhone?

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Catnip Is Available in What Forms?