bali, amazon, seas, corals, sealife, biodiversity

Nyepi – The Day of Complete Lockdown

bali, amazon, seas, corals, sealife, biodiversity

The Nyepi day of quiet is a Hindu New Year festival held in the Balinese calendar, which only has 210 days a year, and on this day the entire island shuts down! This includes shops, enterprises, and even the airport - no employment, no travel, and no noise are permitted. This 'Day of Silence is observed as a time for introspection and is imposed by the pedaling (local security offers). Beaches, streets, stores, and bars are all closed to visitors.

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Did you Know? "Auld Lang Syne" was never meant to be a holiday song.


A category of beetle known as fireflies has more than 2,000 different species

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Trees didn't exist for the first 90 percent of Earth's history.


Dental crowding is a significant breed issue.


The history of Halloween includes the turnip.


Fingernail sweat is impossible.

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"Volcanic Lava Has the Potential to Convert to Glass "

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Did you Know? Could Death Note be a forgery?


Legalized Assisted Suicide Draws 'Suicide Tourists'

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Musk is derived from the male musk deer

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Glass can decompose in a million years.


A tracker claimed to have come close to snapping a photo of the yeti in 1994.

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In Australia, it is estimated that insects make up almost 70% of the biodiversity (CSIRO, 2005).

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Stuart Sutcliffe was the name of the fifth Beatle.

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"Anaxagoras Of Clazomenae (c.500-c.428 BCE)"


Collagen promotes elastin production.

toilet paper

Only 70–75 percent of the world's population uses toilet paper.

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A 30-foot tumbleweed Christmas tree may be found in Arizona.

Tropical America

Tropical America is the Mimosa Pudica's original habitat.

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Did you Know? Albert Einstein was a scientist and inventor.

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Leos are the most likely to hit the gym.

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Pliny the Elder wrote the first reference to yogurt.


Large ivory tusks on the narwhal dolphin, which resemble unicorn horns

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Cancer-fighting qualities