polandwollin, jomsborg, balticcoast, poland, germany, mythology, kingmagnus, kingharald

Jomsborg was a mythical Viking fortification.

polandwollin, jomsborg, balticcoast, poland, germany, mythology, kingmagnus, kingharald

Its exact position is uncertain, and experts are divided on whether it ever existed at all. Those who believe it existed agree that it was most likely located in what is now Poland's Wollin. Others debate this position, but all agree that Jomsborg was on the Baltic coast, between Poland and Germany. According to mythology, Jomsborg existed during the late tenth and early eleventh centuries. According to mythology, King Magnus the Good eventually destroyed it in 1043. A gold disc discovered in 2014 that references the stronghold and King Harald Bluetooth is one piece of historical evidence supporting Jomsborg.

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