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the famous petra tresury is actually a graveyard

machu, picchu, machupicchu, pachacuti, inca, yupanqui, empire, roman, llama, petra, treasury, worldf

The World's Most Famous Treasury Is Actually A Graveyard Petra's Treasury, contrary to popular belief, is not a looming maze of booby-trapped rooms designed to separate the righteous from the unworthy, but rather a relatively small area that is most likely a beautifully decorated graveyard. Any buried treasure was most likely removed a long time ago, but the Treasury facade is a work of art, lovingly carved by the Nabataeans centuries ago.

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As we age, our asthma changes.

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Someone attempted to sell New Zealand on eBay, but the auction was stopped after it reached $3,000.

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Did you Know? There is a reason why childhood friendships end.

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Sachin Tendulkar also Assisted as a ball boy


Sunflowers come in a variety of hues.

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Did you Know? Could Death Note be a forgery?

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Chinese porcelain

Chinese porcelain raw materials are inexpensive and widely available.

Snow Facts, Facts about snow, Did you know

It doesn't take long for a temperature to drop.

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It's a pain to color red hair.

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Two signs produced the most presidents.

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Tünel is the world's second-oldest subway system.

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Withanolides are found in Ashwagandha.

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The National language of Taiwan is Mandarin

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Did you Know? Dogs can assist their owners in living longer lives.

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What Is the State of Their Conservation?

conspiracy ideas

Tragic occurrences contribute to the development of conspiracy ideas.

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The Oxford English Dictionary took nearly 50 years to complete.

Sri Lanka, biodiversity,  jewels, coast of India, country

It is the birthplace of cinnamon.

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Antiquity's Best-Preserved Monuments


Collagen helps to improve skin texture: