fictional, pirates, national, nationalgeographic, appendages

Pirates wore earrings to ward off seasickness.

fictional, pirates, national, nationalgeographic, appendages

When pirates wore earrings, they weren't just trying to look fashionable. According to National Geographic, sailors believed that applying pressure to the earlobe would keep them from getting seasick. In many cases, the pirates would do so by putting on an earring. Unfortunately, while your inner ears affect your sense of balance, wearing earrings in your earlobes does not affect seasickness.

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Turkey is home to one of Christianity's oldest churches.


A manned spacecraft first travelled through the asteroid belt in 1972.


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Greeks once resided there.

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Even when written upside down or with a mirror image, none of the Hindi alphabets create an illusion.

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In Hong Kong, the magical technique of Feng Shui is still widely practised.

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It can help strengthen your immune system.

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Did you know.... Life Under the Seafloor

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Eyes Display the Early Symptoms of Aging

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Messi has yet to win a big international title.


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