braille, blind, shorthand, abbreviated, contracted version

Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you don’t have to learn math.

braille, blind, shorthand, abbreviated, contracted version

There’s a special version of braille just for mathematics called the Nemeth Code. It was invented by Dr. Abraham Nemeth and can be used to transcribe math, algebra, and calculus.

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Did you Know? San Marino is Europe's oldest 'Country.'

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Tiger Eye Gemstone Promotes Self-Awareness

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Charlotte and Emily spent some time in Brussels studying.


Poutine was invented in Quebec.

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Is spirituality about connecting with your inner self ?


There are 7000 lakes in Switzerland.

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Did you Know? The Matrix film is color-coded.

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Did you Know? More than 1000 tombs are situated in Petra

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Lionel Messi: A Tale of Two Nations?

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Viking women held a unique position in society.

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If you have diabetes, be careful of injections.

Red hair

Red hair can develop in people of any ethnicity.

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Egypt Borders Two Seas

Snake Plants

Snake Plants Prefer Dry Environments

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The Platonic Foundations of the Law of Attraction

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Well Bees not only Sting, they Dance too

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Tesla envisioned his creations in three dimensions.

Genghis Khan

Genghis Khan conquered India, right?

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Linda Blair, best known for her role as the possessed child Regan in The Exorcist, made a brief appearance in Scream.

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Around 406 million people in the world speak Spanish.

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For their pet, one in every five people will purchase a costume.

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Did you know.... Who Was the First Indian Owner Of A Car?

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean have Limited Marine life