hades, zeus, poseidon, underworld, greek, greekmythology, mythology, gods, condemnation, salvation,

Athena was born differently from her siblings: she was the consequence of a headache.

hades, zeus, poseidon, underworld, greek, greekmythology, mythology, gods, condemnation, salvation,

Zeus was terrified that his kid would be his undoing owing to a prophecy, so he ate his lover when he discovered she was pregnant. The fetus became a part of him, and one day she sprang out of his forehead, fully developed and ready to fight.

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Did you Know? Santa once used to wear clothes in green, purple or blue.

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The Oxford English Dictionary requires your assistance.

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A well-known National Park

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City planning and development.

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Sweden has twice as many people as Norway.

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This man has the Stretchiest skin you could ever see!

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Did you Know? Dogs do not experience guilt.

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Hong Kong's culture is a hybrid of Chinese and Western influences.

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Jellyfish have been around for over 650 million years, outliving dinosaurs and sharks!


Dental crowding is a significant breed issue.


Amaltas Cure erysipelas


Is Butterscotch Safe for Dogs?

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Sugar can be ""tasted"" by the pancreas.

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Scream was inspired by real-life events that occurred in Gainesville, Florida, in the early 1990s.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is home to a number of significant historical sites.


Women are more likely to suffer from sleeplessness.

Your nails'

Your nails' ability to grow can be impacted by stress.

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Did you know.... India received its first convertible.

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Did you Know? Hinduism believes in Karma.


Flamingos have a 10,000–15,000-foot ceiling.

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Authors are probably not making as much money up front as you believe.

Smallest Country

The World's Smallest Country


Age has an effect on an individual's rate of growth as well.

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Australia is home to all three types of mammals.

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The Welsh flag's origins