harvard, harvard university, harvard acceptance rate, harvard pilgrim, harvard business review, harv

Law gave us crime; science gave us forensics – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

harvard, harvard university, harvard acceptance rate, harvard pilgrim, harvard business review, harv

There is a gruesome murder tale set at Harvard, famously known as the Parkman-Webster murder case. Parkman, a high-profile businessman and Harvard alum lent money to Webster, a Harvard professor. Parkman visited Webster to confront him about the repayment and ended up burnt and dismembered in Webster’s laboratory. The trial of Webster was a milestone for the US legal system as it was reportedly the first case in US history where forensic anthropology has been used to prosecute the murderer. Harvard went on to embrace the field of forensics. Allegedly, there is a class at Harvard devoted to saying witty things while putting sunglasses on.

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Lobsters consume one another.


In the previous seven decades, about 90 different commercial airliners have gone missing.

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