safteycoffins, buriedalive, aliceblunden, declareddead, mistake, coffins

Being buried alive accidentally occurred so often that people invented “safety coffins.”

safteycoffins, buriedalive, aliceblunden, declareddead, mistake, coffins

People invented "safety coffins" after being buried alive by accident so many times.
Doctors frequently misdiagnosed sick patients, which was common in 17th century England. Alice Blunden is one such example. After she drank sedatives, a doctor mistakenly declared her dead, and she was buried alive. This terrifying ordeal occurred not once, but twice. After exhuming her and discovering she was near death, they buried her again, only for her to struggle in the casket, still alive, until she died.

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Lack of exercise and obesity are the two major environmental variables for insulin resistance (and type 2 diabetes).


Ancient Inuits produced armour

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Did you Know? For World War II, Coca-Cola created a special "White Coke."

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Queen Victoria proposed to her husband

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Did you Know? Nail Paint was developed from the car paint!

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The Bronte sisters released a book of poetry that was not successful.

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Did you know.... Why are manga characters' eyes so big?

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A British royal is responsible for modern newspaper columns.

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One of the most prevalent causes of eczema, atopic dermatitis

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Persian carpets have a long history

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Did you Know? "Auld Lang Syne" was never meant to be a holiday song.

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Ronaldo  Museum

Ronaldo Has His Own Museum Dedicated to Him

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Apple Custard Enhances Cardiovascular Health

Custard apple

Custard apple is a powerful antioxidant

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Swiggy has made two large investments

redhead, red hair, ginger hair, women

It's a pain to color red hair.


Are fairyfly wasps dangerous?

Spider silk

Spider silk is extremely tough.

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Vikings did not wear horned helmets.

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The oldest horoscope we know of is from 410 B.C.

migraine, headaches, Cephalalgia, workouts,  exercise, stress hormones

New Medicines Incorporate Infusions and Backrub

dictionaries, editors, research, English, zeitgeist, apple, Renaissance, Alphabetically, Greek, Fren

The Oxford English Dictionary requires your assistance.

Welsh gold

Welsh gold is used to make royal wedding rings.