olive oil

Olive oil contains fatty acids as well as vitamins A and E

olive oil

Olive oil contains fatty acids as well as vitamins A and E and other minerals. It has emollient properties that help moisturize the skin and preserve its suppleness. Olive oil contains a number of antioxidants that protect the body from ageing and other negative effects while battling free radicals.

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Did you Know? Superman once demonstrated Lex Luthor was right.

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persian rugs Environmentally-Friendly

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Interesting fact! Lamborghinis Can Be Used For a Variety of Purposes


Persian rugs require little upkeep

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Conspiracy theories are not more prevalent today than they were previously.

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Oldest Oscar recipient

Homi J Bhabha,  Cambridge, Copenhagen, Nobel Prize, Niels Bohr

In India, Homi J Bhabha rose to prominence quickly.

 Maratha Empire

The Maratha Empire's administrative centre was in Pune.

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The record for the longest cat ever is 48.5 inches


The First Electric Toothbrush Didn't Work

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Did you Know? The 1929 Wall Street Crash Did Not Cause a Rash of Suicides

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Flash is a buddy of Batman, yet he does not obey his 'rule.' 

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Did you Know the Fact about the Creation of Humans?


The Best Defense Against Dry Skin Is Moisturizer

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Did you Know? Wonder Woman's Bracelets Control Her Powers

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Did you Know? Madagascar is the world’s fourth largest island

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More factors than just the aging process can lead to cataracts.

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As the syllabus covers a wide range of courses, applicants may sit for multiple tests.

first theatre

Did you Know? The first public movie theater opened after the turn of 20th century

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They don't take up a lot of room

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Vieng Xai

The Vieng Xai Caves used to hide an entire city.

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Do all PCOS patients have hirsutism?


Tulsi Reduces colds, coughs, and other respiratory problems

The Kepler

The Kepler telescope has discovered over 1,200 potential worlds, including 68 Earth-sized planets.