Glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

"Lightening Can Create Glass "

Glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Glass can naturally form when sand is struck by lightning due to high temperatures.

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Grapefruit may potentially aid in cancer prevention.


Bengal's Trams

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Do you Know? Secret behind The Announce of iPhone

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Lamborghinis were originally tractors, and they are still manufactured today.

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It had the greatest mortality rate as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

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Difficult words were included in the first English dictionaries.

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Did you Know? Albert Einstein was a scientist and inventor.

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Make use of an oil.

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Did you Know? The Louvre is the world’s biggest art museum

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An employer came under fire for refusing to hire certain signs.

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The statues were finished in about 40 years by over 700,000 workers.


Eczema Is Not Spreadable

Budapest, synagogue, Jewish temple, Europe

Budapest is home to the continent's oldest metro line.

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The Dussehra celebrations in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, are another well-known event in India


Swedes enjoy unusual marketing.

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Antiquity's Best-Preserved Monuments

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Glass can decompose in a million years.

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Did you Know? Algeria is the home of the endangered Saharan cheetah

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Did you Know? The Axis Powers were developing a dirty bomb.

Girls' School

In Pune, the First Girls' School in India was established.

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We Know Very Little About How The Rorschach Test Cards Were Created.


Does the kind of skin care product you use or how you use it in your regimen matter?

Snake Plant

Snake Plant Is Not Cactus

sweden, norway

Swedish art in Stockholm subway stations


Grapefruit Could Boost Your Immune System