humans, human facts, human mind, psychology facts, facts about psychology, human psychology

Students who write longhand notes remember more and have a deeper understanding of the material than those who take notes from laptop.

humans, human facts, human mind, psychology facts, facts about psychology, human psychology

It is widely held that taking notes on laptop computers in the classroom can improve students' academic performance. This is due to the fact that one's typing speed is significantly faster than one's writing speed. As a result, while taking notes on a laptop, one can type more information than they can write. However, according to new research by Pam Mueller and Daniel Oppenheimer, this is not the case. According to the study, students who take handwritten notes use different types of cognitive processing than students who take notes on a laptop. This influences their learning. Writing takes longer than typing. As a result, students are unable to write down every word in a lecture. Instead, they listen, dige

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Fun Fact! There is a huge Water reservior in Space

asteroid belt

The asteroid belt has never contained a planet.


Kaleidoscopes Are Not Just a Kids' Toy


There aren't several Inuit terms for snow.

the plank.

They did not actually force people to walk the plank.

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Having an asthma action plan is the best way to avoid the hospital.

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Did you Know? Being in love is biochemically the same as having a severe obsessive compulsive disorder.


Tokyo offers some of the best restaurants in the world.

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The Platonic Foundations of the Law of Attraction

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Did you Know? India is the home to one of the hottest chills in the world.

birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

Tennis was invented on a Birmingham lawn.

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Alkaline by nature, an earthenware pot enhances health.

soap, saponification, Babylon, Ancient, alkali, oils,  Ebers papyrus, Egyptians, Chinese, Zhou Dynas

Soap production is used to cause fuel shortages and jeopardize the affordability of candles.

taste buds

Ham's aroma might make your dish "taste" saltier.

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No, The Pyramids Were Not Built By Slaves

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Fever (antipyretic) and pain relief (analgesic)

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People With ADHD Don’t Have Trouble Paying Attention

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Do all PCOS patients need to be treated?


Hypnosis can be used to provide anaesthesia.

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The Most Dangerous yet the most, yet very Small


Babies that are given formula have stronger bones.


Eczema Comes in a Variety of Forms.

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Did you Know? There is a 100 years "young" Dancers

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The Spaniards tend to speak loudly


T-shirts made of bamboo