rattlesnake, snakes, reptiles

They sense vibrations to "hear"

rattlesnake, snakes, reptiles

Rattlesnakes, like other snakes, lack an eardrum in their inner ear anatomy, which prevents them from hearing sounds in the air. While some reptiles, like some species of lizard, have tympanic membranes, a snake's inner ear is directly attached to its mouth. Snakes must instead rely on their jaws to detect vibrations. However, there is an ongoing controversy among biologists as to whether snakes perceive sound through pressure or mechanical body vibrations.

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There are 7000 lakes in Switzerland.

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Did you Know? Good Marketing helped make champagne a New Year's Eve Tradition.

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Did you Know? There is whopping Genghis khan statue in Mongolia

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swelling and lumps?

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The Iconic silver hue of Mercedes-Benz was created by reducing weight for a race.

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The most eastern city

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Did you Know? Hawaii is the only American state that grows coffee.

wisdom tooth, gums, teeth, painful, extra teeth, genetics

"The number of wisdom teeth varies by individual."

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There is a possibility of life on the Mars


Girls participate in fewer sports than guys.

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Queen Victoria wasn’t supposed to be queen

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds can help prevent cancer.

Walt Disney

In a school play, Walt Disney portrayed Peter Pan.

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Did you Know? Asia's largest planetarium is in Kolkata

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea may help to strengthen your immune system.

Ancient Wonder

Egypt Is Home To The Only Remaining Ancient Wonder In The World


The use of asthma inhalers can be challenging. With a Spacer, Side Effects are Reduced.

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Being buried alive accidentally occurred so often that people invented “safety coffins.”

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Benjamin Franklin predicted his rival's death.

beetroot, beet

Betanin Gives Food a Vibrant Color

braille, blind, shorthand, abbreviated, contracted version

You shouldn’t capitalize “braille.”

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There are about 20,000 different types of butterflies.

 world cup

shortest world cup