rattlesnake, snakes, reptiles

They sense vibrations to "hear"

rattlesnake, snakes, reptiles

Rattlesnakes, like other snakes, lack an eardrum in their inner ear anatomy, which prevents them from hearing sounds in the air. While some reptiles, like some species of lizard, have tympanic membranes, a snake's inner ear is directly attached to its mouth. Snakes must instead rely on their jaws to detect vibrations. However, there is an ongoing controversy among biologists as to whether snakes perceive sound through pressure or mechanical body vibrations.

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The world’s rarest cheese is made from donkey milk.

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The phrase "X-Files" refers to all of the conspiracy theory fodder that the FBI is secretly working on.

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80% of the assistance given to older adults in the United States comes from family members and caregivers.

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Did you Know? The Axis Powers were developing a dirty bomb.

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It's a fallacy that it's simple to obtain enough vitamin D from food alone.

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Did You Know? Love is chemically addictive

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For the Oxford English Dictionary, J.R.R. Tolkien researched the word etymologies.

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Chamomile tea can also be beneficial if you are unwell or have a cold.

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Michael Myers Wore a William Shatner Mask in Halloween

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A person's sense of smell may be affected by Alzheimer's disease.

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Did you Know? A lady was the world's most successful pirate.

dictionaries, editors, research, English, zeitgeist, apple, Renaissance, Alphabetically, Greek, Fren

The Oxford English Dictionary requires your assistance.

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Mosquitoes are drawn to specific colors.

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Did you Know? The Claim that Batman doesn't kill is a myth

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Fun Fact! Machu Picchu Was Never “Lost”

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Deserts Of Egypt..have you heard about it?