ancient, egyptians, paint, eye, black, deception, copper, makeup

Make Up And Ancient Egyptians

ancient, egyptians, paint, eye, black, deception, copper, makeup

Ancient Egyptians believed that makeup had healing powers that protected them from the sun and therefore both men and women wore makeup. The black eye paint that we’ve come to know so well from ancient Egyptian depictions was made from red and they also wore green makeup that was made from copper.

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Snow in June

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Function and energy compatibility are determined by its mineral structure.

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R2-D2 used to speak English and was a jerk.

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Chamomile tea can be applied even to your hair.

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Male seahorses are the only organisms in the marine ecosystem that give birth to and care for their offspring!

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Did you Know? The White House has a movie theatre.


USBs are Lightweight and useful


You Can Have a Headache Without a Migraine

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Affirmations Are Supported By Psychologists

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A shrimp may produce one million eggs.


Using add-on extensions Perfect practice makes perfect.

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Did you Know? A famous 'Pulp Fiction' shot was filmed in reverse.

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At night, moisturize.

Micky Mouse

Micky Mouse was voiced by Walt Disney

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The Snow in Wizard of Oz Is Asbestos

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Pirates did not always bury their loot.

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Kimchi was once made without the chillies

Angkor Wat, temple, ruins, Hinduism, religion, machu picchu

Angkor's ancient ruins are far larger than you believe.