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The visible universe most likely contains more than 170 billion galaxies.

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Different computations provide different values for the number of galaxies in the observable universe — that is, the part of the cosmos visible from Earth with current technology; there may be many more, but they are just too far for our telescopes to detect. Using Hubble Telescope data, researchers determined that the visible universe contains around 170 billion galaxies.

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There may be an endless number of worlds.

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In the 1880s, there was a lip rouge controversy.

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The name Dussehra is derived from the Sanskrit phrase Dash Hara, which in English means "the defeat of the Sun.

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Kumbh ke mele mai bhai bichaad gye.

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Clinical hypnosis differs greatly from stage hypnosis.


The Stockholm metro also serves as an art gallery.

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Lord Howe Island stick insect was thought extinct until 2001!

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Coconuts may be found anywhere.

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One Rottweiler fought for the rights of veterans with disabilities.



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FRIENDS was orginally called as INSOMNIA CAFE and have a different plot too.

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Gabriel Gacía Marquez refuses to allow One Hundred Years of Solitude to be made into a film.


Why thyme should be used in cooking

The Inuit

The Inuit do not kiss by rubbing their noses together.


Why Can't Astronauts Hear or Talk in Space?