Times Square, New York, New Year

Many Brazilians spend New Year's Eve at the beach.

Times Square, New York, New Year

Making seven wishes while jumping seven waves is considered good luck, so you can bet on a good old New Year's beach celebration in Rio de Janeiro!

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Collagen helps to improve skin texture:

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Did you know...? Manipur is the birthplace of polo.

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In 1952, the greatest Test cricket upset occurred.

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Popsicles were accidentally created by a child.

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In Florida, what is a flatfish?

Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are problematic.

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Leos are the most likely to hit the gym.

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Indian pariah dogs require very little grooming.

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Tulips were introduced to the world by Turkey.

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Did you Know? Brazil is South America's biggest and the world's fifth largest country.

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Other countries, ironically, consider marine lamprey to be a delicacy.

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How Do They Make More?

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There might be more Higgs bosons.

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The official languages are Chinese and English.

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Not all Buddhists practise vegetarianism.

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Stage hypnosis is not appropriate for everyone.

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Glass cracks move at a speed of 3000 mph when it breaks

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London’s landmarks could have been very different indeed

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Conspiracy theories are nothing new.

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Nepal The World's Ceiling

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What Are the Three Kinds of Flat Fish?

summer, summer season, summer carnival

In southern England, over 37,000 people gather at Stonehenge to see the summer solstice.

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In Australia, it is estimated that insects make up almost 70% of the biodiversity (CSIRO, 2005).