natural resources

One of the most powerful natural resources

natural resources

One of the most powerful natural resourcesTo protect the Taj Mahal from German bombers during WWII, the British government covered it with bamboo scaffoldings.

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Chinese people invented toothbrush bristles.

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Coconut Day

The International Coconut Day

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In China, Huaxi Village is a socialist paradise.

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Not all Hermit Crabs make use of discarded seashells as temporary dwellings.


The biological cycling of nutrients in the Southern Ocean is significantly influenced by krill.

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Sunflowers are used medicinally.

Snake Plant

Snake Plant Is Not Cactus

Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Haryana, Punjab, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, tamil nadu

Largest number of tribal groups are found in madhya pradesh

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Did you Know? Only one man is authorised to paint the Rolls Royce coach line.

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Did you Know? The first drive-in theatre opened in 1933.

expensive coffee

Four of the top five most expensive coffee cities are Swiss.

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Did you Know? Nintendo has been around for almost 130 years.

Messi  international title

Messi has yet to win a big international title.

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Did you Know? Indian Constitution is a living document

chia seed

Chia seeds are sproutable.

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The earliest lipstick was made using crushed diamonds and lead.


What Is the Origin of the Name "Butterscotch"?