silk, silk production, indian silk, indian silk fact,

Did you Know? India is second largest silk producer in the world

silk, silk production, indian silk, indian silk fact,

We are the world's second-largest silk producer (after China) and third-largest cotton grower. With such a rich history and abundance, it's only natural that the majority of our clothing incorporates these materials.

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Clinical hypnosis differs greatly from stage hypnosis.

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Did you Know? The first public movie theater opened after the turn of 20th century

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In Rio, street art is legal.

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Sophie Turner's Direwolf Adopted Her


The Russian term belukha, which means "white," is where the English name "beluga" is derived.

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Plant milk is better for the environment.

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Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds can help prevent cancer.

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Did you Know? The largest cake was of the size of an elephant.

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Male fingernails grow more quickly than female ones.


Different Constellations Become Visible Throughout The Year

sri Lanka, biodiversity,  jewels, coast of India, country

The English language received the term "serendipity" from Sri Lanka.


Krill in Antarctica are not little.


University Is Inexpensive-Ish


Bhutan has a tourist policy that is low-impact but high-value.

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Only Harlots wore lipstick in ancient Greece.


USBs are Lightweight and useful

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Did you Know? The notes of Marie Curie are still radioactive.

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Did you Know? Both people and mosquitoes love blue.

hot pocket, hot, warm, chunk stuffers

They are suitable for breakfast.

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There is no such thing as a black rose or a blue rose.


Bamboo toothbrushes are making a comeback.

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Crochet is affordable.


There are numerous spiders.


Alzheimer's disease is becoming more rare