psychology, facts

Psychology is a vast subject.

psychology, facts

There are several subfields, each with its unique emphasis. Clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology are some of the major subfields of psychology.

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Braille is not a language.

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When the first Lamborghini was presented, it didn't even have an engine.

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Humans are not attacked by sea lampreys


Lobsters never stop developing.

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Vision Boards Can Help You Relax

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Your skin can suffer from a lack of sleep.

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More factors than just the aging process can lead to cataracts.

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Why Can't Astronauts Hear or Talk in Space?



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Did you Know? Baby Groot's Dance Routine took 2 Years?

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Where can one find Stonehenge?

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If you have diabetes, be careful of injections.

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Did you Know? The Grand Central Terminal has whispering galleries.

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Did you Know? There are so many uses of cucumber!