Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Financial advice is not provided by media made by and for women.

Women, Unpaid, employment, India, labor, authority, freedom, financial resources

Age Wave conducted an analysis of the money coverage in the most prominent women's publications a few years ago. Only five of the almost 1,600 editorial pages examined contained financial advice.

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Crochet is affordable.

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To match the brightness of the sun, around 400,000 moons would be required.


Either highbush or lowbush blueberries are what you're eating.

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A hypnotised individual maintains complete control.


Halibut Is It A Flat Fish?

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Did you Know? Algeria is the home of the endangered Saharan cheetah

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Arnold Schwarzenegger Made $21,428 Per Word In the Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Fennel Seeds

Fennel Seeds are used to treat foul breath.


What Is the Flavor of Butterscotch?

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Did you Know? Lagaan has more British actors than the lead cast


Flamingos are toothless.


Malta was Previously ruled by the Knights of St. John

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The eureka diamond was discovered by a fifteen-year-old

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The young sisters were sent to school with serious repercussions.


Using Grapefruit to Reduce "Bad" Cholesterol

The United States

The United States is one of just eight countries in the world that does not mandate paid maternity leave.

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What is the main belief of spirituality?

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The population of kangaroos outnumbers humans.


Laos is the world's most bombed-out country.

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Did you Know? Apples give you more energy than coffee.

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Interesting fact! Lamborghinis Can Be Used For a Variety of Purposes

Rio de Janeiro i

Rio de Janeiro is Brazil's second largest metropolis.

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Hindus were already aware of the speed of light.

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Did you Know? Soup is Batman's favourite food.

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Did you Know? Madagascar has a few World Heritage Sites