ellaslack, rehersal, major, royal, hermajesty, three, decades, throne

Queen Elizabeth II has a stand-in to keep the sun out of her eyes.

ellaslack, rehersal, major, royal, hermajesty, three, decades, throne

Ella Slack is of comparable height and size as the queen, thus she will perform a rehearsal before major events to eliminate royal annoyances such as the sun getting in Her Majesty's eyes. Slack has been doing it for three decades, but she is not permitted to sit on the throne, so she must kneel above it.

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Your Gynecologist isn't concerned about how you look.

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Many words have been borrowed from Hindi by English.

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Chinese porcelain raw materials are inexpensive and widely available.


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The Mariana Trench has been visited by more people than the moon.


Probiotics are fungi and bacteria that keep us healthy.

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Making a vision board increases your chances of success.

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It’s home to the world's happiest animal!

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A fascinating 'crater' lake can be found here.

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Did you Know? Mongolia is home to endangered snow leopards

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Manhattenhenge is home to a fascinating sunset phenomenon twice a year, on May 28 and July 12.

summer, summer season, summer carnival

Monarch butterflies migrate south in the fall after spending the summer in North America.


Braille started out as a military code called “night writing.”


Mangoes are of huge importance for Buddhists.

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Did you Know? Bananas glow blue under black lights

Flat Fish

Are Flat Fish Poisonous?

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Initially, in chess, Queen could move only one square at time diagonally.

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Did you Know? Lebanon is home to many great roman ruins

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Coca-Cola is illegally accessible in every country on the planet.

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Targeting dyslipidaemia effectively requires a careful selection of oral hypoglycemic medicines as well as dyslipidaemia-specific medications.

Dadasaheb Phalke

Dadasaheb Phalke released the first Hindi film, Raja Harishchandra, in 1913.

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The wings of butterflies are translucent.