hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

Did you Know? OM is the sound of Universe

hinduism, hindu, hindu people, sanatan, sanatan dharam, hinduism facts

The most sacred symbol or syllable in Hinduism is OM or AUM. It is frequently chanted as a prefix to any mantra. It has also been suggested that when OM is chanted, its vibration is 432HZ, which is the vibrational frequency of everything in this universe.

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Did you Know? Mongolians have a festival dedicated to eagle hunting

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Some lizards can go their entire lives without drinking water.

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A poet created the Bulgarian flag.


Golf was anything but relaxing in Walt Disney's opinion.

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The Ancient Hindus Knew How Long A Year Was.

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Unless the author is already well-known, book readings and signings are not profitable.

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Glass cracks move at a speed of 3000 mph when it breaks

Stonehenge, prehistoric, circle of stones, millennia, Neolithic period, monument

Stonehenge was constructed over several millennia in stages.


They are poor at concealing your feelings!

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Did you Know? Relationships positively changes the personality

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Did you Know! Gravity on earth actually varies.

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Until the arrival of Christianity, writing was uncommon among the Vikings.

 earthen pots

The price of earthen pots is reasonable, and they are available everywhere.

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Earthquakes Can Be Sensed on the Other Side of the Globe


Insomnia is not cured by sleeping medicines.


Can you determine how many calories there are in a bag of Halloween candy?

animedelpurgatorio, museodelle, museum, rome, italy, purgatory, collection, documents

Museo Delle Anime del Purgatorio displays documents signed by haunted souls in purgatory.

Persian rugs, hand-knotted, rugs, caliber

Persian carpets have a long history

chia seed

Could help with weight loss

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In Hong Kong, the magical technique of Feng Shui is still widely practised.

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Agriculture first appeared in Turkey.

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There is no such thing as a black rose or a blue rose.