Glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

Glass cracks move at a speed of 3000 mph when it breaks

Glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

That is five times as fast as the typical airplane, which flies at 575mph.

Related Facts
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Asia’s oldest refinery and the birthplace of crude oil “Digboi”


The oceans contain more algae than there are stars in the entire universe.

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Libras make up the bulk of billionaires.


A relatively recent needlecraft is crocheting.

sweden, norway

Sweden's pop music expertise

expensive coffee

Four of the top five most expensive coffee cities are Swiss.

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During World War I, more French troops died than in the whole history of the United States.

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During World War 1 Japan came to the British's aid in the Mediterranean.

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough ski, hyaluronic acid

Dry skin may become flaky and pale in the heat

titanic, titanic premiere, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, titanic facts

Did you Know? The famous Titanic movie was 17.7 reels long when released.

curtains, drapes, wealth, Valance, opaque panels, Tiebacks

Curtains are being dressed in accordance with  standards.

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There are parts of Africa in all four hemispheres

chess facts, facts about chess, chess game facts,

It is possible, though unlikely to checkmate an opponent in just two moves.

skin, exfoliate, dull skin, cells, rough skin

Eyes Display the Early Symptoms of Aging

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A Key To Managing ADHD Is To Seek Out Places Where You Thrive

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In Greek mythology, Hades was not such a monster.

moonstone, energy, fortune, spiritual

Moonstone, the stone of peace

The light

The light is the world's most effective light source.

Souffle, National Chocolate Soufflé Day, National Cheese Souffle Day

Soufflés are frequently created using two basic ingredients:

hernias, abdominal walls

You're Hiding a (Not So Great) Secret Under Your Skin

books, publishers, amazon, bookshops, author

Authors are probably not making as much money up front as you believe.

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South Koreans are Asia's largest drinkers.

corpse flower, Amorphophallus titanium, smelliest flower, rotten flesh

Smelliest plant to exist on the planet.


An egg is kept warm by both the male and female flamingos until it hatches.

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Casablanca's Sam Was a Drummer