nepal,  independence,  South Asia, country, foreign power, democratic republic, Asian

"The Land Continues to Move"

nepal,  independence,  South Asia, country, foreign power, democratic republic, Asian

Nepal is still very much alive and well! In the next ten million years, the Indo-Australian plate beneath Nepal is expected to travel 1,500 kilometers into Asia.

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Lobsters use their stomachs to chew and their legs to taste.

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Passports Around the World

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Did you know.... We are all composed of stardust.

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Porcelain was marked by the emperor's reign and dynasty.


The oceans contain more algae than there are stars in the entire universe.

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Santa entertainers may earn up to $1,200 per hour.

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Did you Know? Music can help you exercise better

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Sushruta Samhita, the World's Oldest Medical and Surgical Encyclopedia

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Redheads do not age.


Fairyflies: Do They Make Good Pets?

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Fun Fact! Several studios turned down Star Wars (1977).

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India’s Widest River “Brahmaputra”

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Witchcraft, contrary to popular belief, is not Satanism.

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Did you Know? Thor has a half-brother called Atum in addition to Loki.


Fingernail sweat is impossible.


Contraception use resulted in 26 million fewer unsafe abortions in the world's poorest countries.


Mexicans Are the Most Hardworking People

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The preferred method of carrying things is on the head in Myanmar

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The Snow in Wizard of Oz Is Asbestos


Owns a large number of firearms but has the lowest crime rates

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Parrots are the only birds who Can Eat With Their Feet.


The origin of all plants is algae.

birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

Tennis was invented on a Birmingham lawn.


Insomnia is not cured by sleeping medicines.

tooth decay, chocolate helps decay

Chocolate can help in preventing tooth decay.