color facts, color, facts about mind, facts of color, blue color, mosquito color,

Did you Know? Both people and mosquitoes love blue.

color facts, color, facts about mind, facts of color, blue color, mosquito color,

When asked what colour is their favourite, people all over the world consistently say blue. Blue is preferred by up to 40% of those polled, with purple being preferred by around 14%. Surprisingly, mosquitoes prefer blue to any other colour; they try to bite people wearing blue more than any other colour.

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Girls participate in fewer sports than guys.

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Ulcers spread to further areas of the human body.


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Sponge are the most basic marine organisms, typically found in the water!

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Did you Know? Coffee was discovered by a goat herder.

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Did you Know? Albert Einstein had a propensity of bingeing on food.

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There might be more Higgs bosons.

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London’s landmarks could have been very different indeed

Snake Plant

Snake Plant Is Not Cactus

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vitamin D

It's a fallacy that it's simple to obtain enough vitamin D from food alone.

 suspension bridge

The first road suspension bridge in the world

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Koreans use communal pronouns a lot.