rolls royce, rolls royce facts, facts about rolls royce

The hood's distinctive Spirit of Ecstasy cannot be flipped.

rolls royce, rolls royce facts, facts about rolls royce

The front of the Rolls Royce starring the Spirit of Ecstasy — an early hood peculiar to a Rolls Royce was prone to being tossed off its front. This booty hack is no longer a possible with the current models, thanks to a safety device that allows the mascot to retract quickly into the body of the car when force is applied. If you're wondering what the word means, it refers to the illicit love affair between John Walter, editor of The Car Illustrated magazine, and his secretary, Eleanor Velasco Thorton. Sultry and hot!

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Bamboo is where music was born.

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If someone dies on your flight, their body might stay in the cabin with you.

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Toy Story 2 Was Almost Deleted

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The Netherlands is so secure that it imports criminals to fill its prisons.

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There’s an asteroid named Braille.

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Huge Fat Content In Butter Chicken

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Mark antony bring egyption sand turkey to cover an entire beach for cleaopatra

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Fun Fact! Who was the Youngest Oscar Winner and at what age?


Contraception use resulted in 26 million fewer unsafe abortions in the world's poorest countries.

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Eczema Is Not Spreadable

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Nobody knows what Viking truly means.


Centipedes hunt their prey.

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You shouldn’t capitalize “braille.”

Genghis Khan

Why is Genghis Khan a famous name?

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Did you Know? There was one Silent Oscar Winner

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Retinol does more than merely reduce wrinkles.


The Stockholm metro also serves as an art gallery.

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Almond butter is the best nut butter ever!