birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

The residence of the richest man in the 18th century

birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

Consider industrialist Matthew Boulton if you thought Bill Gates was wealthy. At his peak, the Birmingham-based inventor acquired a personal fortune equal to that of Microsoft tycoon Bill Gates! Boulton lived in the beautiful Soho House in the late 18th century.

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85 species of krill are recognised.

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Wales is abundant in natural resources.

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Vision Boards Help You Achieve Your Goals

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Chia seeds are sproutable.

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Nepal's great snow deposits

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The Harissa people's homeland

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Typically, yetis are thought to have dark hair.


The oceans contain more algae than there are stars in the entire universe.


The secret to success is rescue inhalers.

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Constellations Travel From East To West Like The Sun

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Mount Everest is estimated to be 60 million years old.

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Persian rugs are similar to walking on art.

 Jolly Roger

The Jolly Roger flag was not used by every pirate ship.

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The confetti thrown at Times Square contains hidden messages.


Your gums should not be bloody when you brush or floss your teeth.


The Dutch invented gin

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Anxiety Can Cause Physical Symptoms

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The ancient treatment of beetroot is constantly being researched.

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They Possess Venom

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Afrikaans was regarded as slang or "improper" until it was made official.

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