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Did you Know? World record for birthday candles stands at over 70,000.

cupcakes, cakes, cake facts. cupcake facts, cake fact, bleuberry vake, cheesecake, cake, muffin. muf

The Sri Chinmoy Centre in New York holds the Guinness World Record for lighting the most birthday candles on a cake, with over 70,000 candles being lit. Unfortunately, due to the large number, Sri Chinmoy was unable to blow them out and had to resort to using a fire extinguisher! In this case, the number of candles did not correspond to the number of years passed, as Sri Chinmoy was celebrating his 85th birthday at the time.

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Innovative Country

The World's Most Innovative Country


The first windmills were created by the Persians.

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One of the best sources of dietary antioxidants


Turkey has one of the most important sea turtle hatching sites in the Mediterranean.

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Mirror superstition in Rome

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The cost of air pollution in the world is tremendous.


Your gums should not be bloody when you brush or floss your teeth.

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The fastest growing plant on the planet

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Knowledge Of Constellations Came From Early Cultures

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A town once dedicated to soap production still exists today.

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Australia is home to the largest species of reptiles.


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Do you Know? Secret behind The Announce of iPhone

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