vitamin, green leafy, broccoli, kale, spinach

Kale has been dubbed the ideal superfood

vitamin, green leafy, broccoli, kale, spinach

Kale has been dubbed the ideal superfood because it is loaded with vitamins and minerals like beta-carotene, vitamin C, and the bone-building vitamin K. Everyone does not enjoy its pungent flavor.

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The joys of driving and crossing the roads in Myanmar

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Did you Know? A pharmacist invented Coca-Cola.

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There are Comics with Fusion of Marvel and DC comics

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Surgery is used to treat hernias. And mesh is typically used during surgery, which frequently raises questions from my patients.


Chamomile tea can be applied even to your hair.

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Did you Know! Boys benefit greatly from silence.

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Did you Know? Botox removes a person's ability to feel emotions.


Alternatives to Plastic Toothbrushes Are Better for the Environment and Your Health

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The Incas Didn’t Use Any Mortar In Its Construction

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Did you Know? Madagascar was a haven for pirates

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Fun Fact! Lara's decorating skills will melt your face off.


The oceans contain more algae than there are stars in the entire universe.

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Vision Boards Make You Happy and Positive

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Aphrodite is the oldest Olympian.

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Thales Of Miletus (c.625-c.546 BCE)




The International Book Fair in Kolkata


Pompeii is Now recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO

shimla, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas, Kullu, Mandi

Youngest city

Genghis Khan

Why was he called Genghis Khan?


Animals can recognize themselves in Mirror

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Some lizards can go their entire lives without drinking water.

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UNESCO World Heritage Site

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

Sea lampreys are an excellent example of an invasive species.

history facts

Because people were being buried alive so frequently, bells were connected to their coffins.