candle, diamond, wuzongzhou, chemistry, professor, university, nanoparticles

Diamond is the hardest natural substance on earth

candle, diamond, wuzongzhou, chemistry, professor, university, nanoparticles

Diamonds are thought to be one of the hardest natural materials known to man; according to researchers, a diamond is up to 58 times harder than anything found in nature. As a result, the only object or piece of equipment capable of cutting through a diamond would be another diamond.

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Avocados and tomatoes originated in Mexico.


liver is two people at once

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They sprout from apples.

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No One Knew! Peter Parker's Parents Worked for S.H.I.E.L.D.


It performs both endocrine and exocrine functions.

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In Spain, ​different languages are spoken.

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Venus flytraps are a threatened species.


Does this resemble niacin in any way?

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Humidity is ideal for dust mites.


Probiotics are fungi and bacteria that keep us healthy.

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In 1963 a cat went to space

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The story of Beauty and the Beast was developed to aid young girls accept arranged marriages.

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Largest number of tribal groups are found in madhya pradesh

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye Gemstone provides Protection Against the Evil Eye

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The Science Behind the Rather 'Feared' Eclipses, According to Vedas

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Smallest dog living on earth!

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Did you Know? In the movie Wakandans Have Their Own Language


Large ivory tusks on the narwhal dolphin, which resemble unicorn horns

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Petra is near a famous biblical site

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The Effects of Secondhand Smoke on Your Skin

beagles, dog

Because of their keen sense of smell, beagles can even detect pregnancy.

World Cup, football

1.5 million people attended the FIFA Qatar