Eternal Reefs, coral reefs, buried in sea, pearls,

Did you Know? There is a corporation that recycles dead bodies into ocean reefs.

Eternal Reefs, coral reefs, buried in sea, pearls,

For individuals who fantasize of being buried at sea, Eternal Reefs has devised a novel option. It combines a person's cremated bones with concrete to form a "pearl" onto which loved ones can engrave personal messages, handprints, or memories. The pearl is then wrapped in a "reef ball" and put into the water, where it creates a new habitat for fish and other sea creatures, promoting a healthy environment.

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Did you Know? The first feature-length film was produced in 1906.


Persian rugs require little upkeep


Coconuts were named by the Portuguese.

The Dussehra

The Dussehra celebration is known as Golu in Tamil Nadu.

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Turkey has one of the most important sea turtle hatching sites in the Mediterranean.

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The Dutch national anthem is the oldest in the world

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Sylvia Plath originally published 'The Bell Jar' under the pen name "Victoria Lucas."

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James Cameron Drew That Charcoal of Naked Kate Winslet

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Make Up And Ancient Egyptians

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There Is Still Disagreement About Whether The Test Works.

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Increasing your exercise regimen or moving heavy furniture over the weekend could result in a hernia.

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Social media has been psychologically engineered to be addictive.

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It could have been a cemetery.

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Did you Know? There are 170 museums in London.


Legalized Assisted Suicide Draws 'Suicide Tourists'


Microfiber is incredibly environmentally friendly.

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There is an ice hotel.

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Dolores Umbridge Finally Went To Azkaban

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Fun Fact! Brazilian Samba dates back to the 1800’s

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Does spirituality help fining meaning in life ?


Probiotics treat constipation, colds, and cancer