red lips, lipstick, makeup

During WWII, wearing lipstick became a symbol of patriotism.

red lips, lipstick, makeup

During WWII, bright red lipstick surged back into vogue for an unexpected purpose. Adolf Hitler reputedly despised red lipstick, among other reasons. In the 1940s, women crowded the industries on the battlefields wearing red lipstick as a symbol of patriotism and bravery. The Marines pushed this trend a step further by making 'Montezuma Red' lipstick required for female Marines. Montezuma is a line from the Marine song commemorating the Halls of Montezuma, a fight in which US Marines participated during the Mexican War. The color red symbolized the American flag and grew to symbolize strength.

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Blue-eyed redheads are quite unusual.

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In 2018, Netflix Broke HBO’s 17-Year Emmys Streak.

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Monarch butterflies migrate south in the fall after spending the summer in North America.

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Long before settlers arrived, first Nations peoples were already eating lowbush blueberries.


The yeti's etymology is extremely hazy.

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Wisdom teeth can appear at any time.

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NASA employs countdowns as a result of a science fiction film.

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Although unlikely, hybrid bears could explain the yeti legends.



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Did you Know? Captain Morgan Actually Existed

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In India, Homi J Bhabha rose to prominence quickly.

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All the temples on the Thai Baht coins are located in Bangkok

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Maintain an Environmentally Friendly Environment

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Fun Fact! Several studios turned down Star Wars (1977).

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The all-arounder for Indian conditions is the Indian Pariah dog.

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Sherlock Holmes has appeared in most films of any fictional figure.

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Did you Know? Three Major Horror Franchises were inspired from the same serial killer.

 Skin Glows

Your Skin Glows When You Dance

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Don't forget the serum.

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Many People With ADHD Struggle With Short-Term Memory


Are skincare products preferred above dietary supplements and food?

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Sagittarians are more likely to become child stars.