yogurt, skin container, milk, shepherd, rediscovered

It can help strengthen your immune system.

yogurt, skin container, milk, shepherd, rediscovered

Yogurt has helpful bacterial cultures that can help boost immune system activity.

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Exposure to the sun:

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Did you Know? Volkswagen is a sausage producer.

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Vision boards serve as mental rehearsals.


Ancient Inuits produced armour


Beluga whales are a very loud species that is highly sociable.

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In Australia, it is estimated that insects make up almost 70% of the biodiversity (CSIRO, 2005).

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"Nepal was never invaded."

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People of New Zealand consumes the ice creams most

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Who is the Creator Of The Universe?


This may seem perplexing but pay close attention... Quebec is another name for Quebec City.

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The root portion was utilized as a medication in the past to alleviate painful conditions

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

Sea lampreys are an excellent example of an invasive species.

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What Are the Three Kinds of Flat Fish?

stonehenge, prehistoric, circle of stones, millennia, Neolithic period, monument

It could have been a cemetery.

scream, movie, real story, Gainesville Ripper,  American, serial killer

Linda Blair, best known for her role as the possessed child Regan in The Exorcist, made a brief appearance in Scream.


Diabetics are helped by Amaltas

pencil, Hemingway, lead, writing, ink, black, typed

Writing with a pencil was one of Ernest Hemingway's writing tips.

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Did you Know? There was one Silent Oscar Winner

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Did you Know? Ladakh is land of the fascinating Kung Fu nuns


The Original ‘Toothbrush’ Was a Stick


The most Oscars won by an actor or actress

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Did you Know? Cambodians celebrate the New Year in April

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The actor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sir Alec Guinness, despised Star Wars.


Legs can grow back on centipedes.

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Did you Know? In Danish, there is no word for "please."