Jack the Ripper, Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Charles Dodgson, anagrams

Lewis Carroll is the subject of a conspiracy theory.

Jack the Ripper, Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Charles Dodgson, anagrams

Here's a conspiracy theory that would have fit perfectly in the late 1800s: Jack the Ripper was Lewis Carroll, the author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Carroll, whose real name was Charles Dodgson, was well-known for his fondness for wordplay such as anagrams. Lewis scholar Richard Wallace published a book in 1996 on his hypothesis that Dodgson committed the murders and subsequently confessed in anagram form in a children's book called The Nursery Alice. Wallace was able to rearrange the letters into a very detailed confession from Dodgson and his claimed collaborator, Thomas Bayne, in one section of the book, a line about a dog's food that added little to the plot. Other puzzle pieces seemed

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