pune, India, city

City planning and development.

pune, India, city

Urban planning in the city has the potential to be smart, efficient, and affordable. Pune is being divided into various urban and residential zones to increase the city's efficiency and to meet the growing demands of its residents.

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Redder is better, obviously

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Persian carpets' quality has not changed, but their purpose has.

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Do PCOS patients need to have multiple cysts in the ovaries for diagnosis?

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Alzheimer's disease affects the brain's straucture


One of Buddha's incisors is kept in a temple in Kandy.

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Micky Mouse was voiced by Walt Disney

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Constellations Travel From East To West Like The Sun


Broccoli contains more vitamin C than an orange.

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The fog bow

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Did you Know? Roald Dahl, the beloved children's book author, was a spy.

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The Most Profitable Film of All Time Is Paranormal Activity