milk, fat, white, protein, molecules, light, wavelength, cow, gallons, Missouri, robthom, suzettepad

The world’s rarest cheese is made from donkey milk.

milk, fat, white, protein, molecules, light, wavelength, cow, gallons, Missouri, robthom, suzettepad

Donkey milk is used to make the world's rarest cheese. It was long thought that making cheese from donkey's milk was impossible because the liquid lacked enough casein to coagulate. Slobodan Simi, a Serbian cheesemonger, found a roundabout way to make it. He charges $500 per pound for his cheese.

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It's possible that your blueberry jam wasn't actually made with blueberries!

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Centipedes hunt their prey.

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Oysters actively participate in gender switching!

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Could help with weight loss


Bacteria Can Increase If You Cover Your Toothbrush

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Among the World's Toughest Helmets


Wyoming became the first state to allow women to vote.