shimla, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas, Kullu, Mandi

Youngest city

shimla, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas, Kullu, Mandi

This city is one of the most youthful cities (populace-wise) in the country. 55% of the populace is in the 16-55 age bunch. Also, 28% of the rest are under the age of 15.

Related Facts
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Sharks have microscopic teeth called dermal denticles that cover their bodies.


The Meaning of "Ashwagandha"

glass, sand, lime, soda, ash, high temperature

The 17th century saw the invention of glass windows.


The history of Halloween includes the turnip.

souffle, National Chocolate Soufflé Day, National Cheese Souffle Day

Soup days are observed all around the world.

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The Netherlands is so secure that it imports criminals to fill its prisons.

Sea Lampreys

Sea Lampreys are captured and sterilised as well.

Hong Kongers

Hong Kongers have a strong history of entrepreneurship.

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The British Museum is older than the USA

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Did you Know? Language is thought to have originated circa 100,000 BC.

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Kale has been dubbed the ideal superfood

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Did you Know? Brunch was initially created to alleviate hangovers.

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Does spirituality have any impact on finding inner peace?

Ancient cultures

Ancient cultures utilized chia as an endurance meal.

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Did you Know? The Claim that Batman doesn't kill is a myth

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Every year, more than 14 billion pencils are produced worldwide.


Kimchi was once made without the chillies

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More than half of all tree species exist only in a single country.

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Did you Know? Mario was a villain in Donkey Kong Junior

nepal,  independence,  South Asia, country, foreign power, democratic republic, Asian

Nepal is the amazon of asia

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Well! You must rethink of your morning coffee!

chess facts, facts about chess, chess game facts,

It is possible, though unlikely to checkmate an opponent in just two moves.

coffee, coffee facts, facts about coffee, coffee, coffee facts, coffee power, coffee drug

Did you Know? Coffee was discovered by a goat herder.


Pompeii is Now recognised as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO

Blood Purification

Blood Purification and Insect Bites