Before that, people used flattened animal horns to create windows.
Minerals and vitamins
Ashwagandha is a centuries-old natural remedy.
Fresh lilies have notes which smell like ham
A WHOLE fish has been used to make candles.
The Magic of thanaka, what is it?
Cities are forced to dispose the snow off in different ways.
Tiger Eye Gemstone Promotes Addiction Recovery
The visible universe most likely contains more than 170 billion galaxies.
Coke had a promotion in which they filled their cans with disgusting concoctions.
When writing with a pencil, many famous authors felt more inspired.
Did you Know? In Danish, there is no word for "please."
Terra cotta pots Porous in appearance
Did you know.... Life Under the Seafloor
Vision Boards Make You Happy and Positive
Did you Know? People are more likely to forget things that are in black and white.
Country parks and nature reserves cover 40% of Hong Kong.
The Netherlands has the biggest pub in Europe
youngster to win an Oscar
Did you Know? Fair-trade coffee improves quality.
Plant milks provide nutrients in addition to the natural goodness of plants.
They sprout from apples.
Fun Fact! Magic is too powerful for Superman.
Largest rubber band ball
There are two recognised Chihuahua breeds.
Parrots are the only birds who Can Eat With Their Feet.