dogs, dogs facts, dog vision, dogs vision, dog vision facts, dog fun facts, fun facts about dogs

Colorblindness does not exist in dogs. They can perceive blue and yellow.

dogs, dogs facts, dog vision, dogs vision, dog vision facts, dog fun facts, fun facts about dogs

Russian scientists disproved the ancient concept of two-color vision. The experiment, which involved detecting full and empty food bowls of various hues, revealed that our pets are just as adept as humans are at recognizing the colors blue and yellow. Dogs, contrary to common perception, do not perceive the world in black and white. They, on the other hand, can't tell the difference between green and red.

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Scientists can extract the DNA of polar bears from just their footprint

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Is It True That You Can Cut An Earthworm In Two And Both Halves Will Survive?

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Baby sea otters cannot swim straight away.

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Technically, chickens are dinosaurs.

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Earthworms are Hermaphrodites

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In 1931, a scientist decided to undertake an experiment in which he raised a monkey as if it were a person.

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To swim underwater, sloths can hold their breath for 40 minutes.

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Rhinos communicates through honks, sneezes, and poo

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Sharks have a sixth sense.

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tigers are nocturnal animals