cats, cats allergy, allergic cat, smelly cat,

Many cats are allergic to humans.

cats, cats allergy, allergic cat, smelly cat,

For those who are allergic to cats, be aware that they may also be allergic to you! It's unusual since we bathe more frequently than other species and don't lose as much hair or dead skin, but it does happen.

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The Cheetah's Eyes Aid in Hunting

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Technically, chickens are dinosaurs.

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tigers are nocturnal animals

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only the male birds are called peacocks.

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Male polar bears can weigh as much as 10 men.

Bengal tiger

Madhya Pradesh is also home to famous Bengal tiger

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Sharks have a sixth sense.

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Trunks of Elephant have mad skills.

royal, bengal, royalbengal, tiger, bigcat, animal, carnivore, maletiger, nocturnal, ambush, streak

Tigers have antiseptic saliva

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A peacock's crest acts as a sensor for mating

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Small dogs have a wider range of hearing than large dogs.

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Did you Know? Snakes have no eyelids.

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Napoleon was once ambushed by a swarm of bunnies.

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Chickens teach one another, How to Live

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Did you Know? The Wingspan of an Ostrich Is Over Six Feet

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Certain breeds of Chickens are on the verge of extinction.

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Did you Know? Ghost crabs grumble using their stomach teeth.

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Colorblindness does not exist in dogs. They can perceive blue and yellow.

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To swim underwater, sloths can hold their breath for 40 minutes.

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Earthworms are Hermaphrodites

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Sharks are THE apex predators.

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Chickens have excellent memories and can recognize over 100 different faces.

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Is It True That You Can Cut An Earthworm In Two And Both Halves Will Survive?

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interestingly! Llamas Are Not Native To The Inca

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Cheetahs Are Not The Only Fast Cats.