snake nose, snakes tongue, snakes facts

Fun Fact! Some sea snakes can breathe through their skin.

snake nose, snakes tongue, snakes facts

You might think that only fish have gills, but several species of sea snakes breathe through their skin as well. Hydrophis cyanocinctus, for example, has been discovered to breathe through the top of its own head. It has a small hole and a collection of blood vessels at the top of its head that picks up oxygen from the seawater and sends it to the reptile's brain as it moves underwater.

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Cheetahs Enjoy Fast Food and Do Not Drink Much 

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The Cheetah's Eyes Aid in Hunting

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Fun Fact! Eagles are a symbol of liberty and peace.

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The bite of a grizzly bear is powerful enough to destroy a bowling ball.

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Baby sea otters cannot swim straight away.

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Did you Know? Snakes have no eyelids.

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Cockroaches are more ancient than the dinosaurs!

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The endangered two-humped Bactrian camel is native to Mongolia

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A group of Tigers is called an ambush or streak

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Did you Know? The Wingspan of an Ostrich Is Over Six Feet

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The royal Bengal tiger is the largest cat.