cheetah, animals, prey, largecats, wildcats, cheetahcharacteristics

The Cheetah's Eyes Aid in Hunting

cheetah, animals, prey, largecats, wildcats, cheetahcharacteristics

Cheetahs, unlike most other large cats, hunt throughout the day. They scale a termite mound or a tiny hill, using their keen vision to identify prey, and then they're off to the races. The cheetah utilizes its fast speed to chase down its victim, knocking it to the ground and grabbing it onto its throat. Cheetahs have characteristic black tear-mark lines that go from the corners of their eyes down to the corners of their lips. These scars reflect the light, allowing the cats to hunt during the day. According to the Cheetah Conservation Fund, without the glare of the sun, they can focus on their prey.

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Madhya Pradesh is also home to famous Bengal tiger

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The royal Bengal tiger is the largest cat.

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Cheetahs Are Not The Only Fast Cats.

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Napoleon was once ambushed by a swarm of bunnies.

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