peacock, feathers, male, female, atlantic, mating, tail, peahen, peachicks

there are also white peacocks.

peacock, feathers, male, female, atlantic, mating, tail, peahen, peachicks

There is a peafowl that is completely white. Captive peafowl frequently defies the iridescent trend for all white feathers, thanks to selective breeding. This is known as leucism, and it is caused by a genetic mutation that causes pigmentation loss. These peafowls are frequently mistaken for albino, but animals with leucism retain their normal eye color rather than having red eyes.

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A group of Tigers is called an ambush or streak

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Napoleon was once ambushed by a swarm of bunnies.

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The lyrebird can imitate nearly any sound, even chainsaws.

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Small dogs have a wider range of hearing than large dogs.

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The Cheetah's Eyes Aid in Hunting

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The bite of a grizzly bear is powerful enough to destroy a bowling ball.

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In 1931, a scientist decided to undertake an experiment in which he raised a monkey as if it were a person.

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Male polar bears can weigh as much as 10 men.

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Is It True That You Can Cut An Earthworm In Two And Both Halves Will Survive?

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Baby sea otters cannot swim straight away.

peacock, feathers, male, female, atlantic, mating, tail, peahen, peachicks

peacocks dont have to be killed in order to get their feathers.

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Certain breeds of Chickens are on the verge of extinction.

Bengal tiger

Madhya Pradesh is also home to famous Bengal tiger

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Sheep fight after shearing because they don't recognize one another.

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To swim underwater, sloths can hold their breath for 40 minutes.

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The endangered two-humped Bactrian camel is native to Mongolia

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Cheetahs Are Not The Only Fast Cats.

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Chickens teach one another, How to Live

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Sharks have a sixth sense.

chicken facts, chicken, chicken memory, chicken dream, chicken sleep

Chicken also dreams in their sleep.

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Did you Know? Gorillas are forest regulators.

snake eyes, snake eye lids, snake vision

Did you Know? Snakes have no eyelids.

royal, bengal, royalbengal, tiger, bigcat, animal, carnivore, maletiger, nocturnal, ambush, streak

Tigers have antiseptic saliva

royal, bengal, royalbengal, tiger, bigcat, animal, carnivor, maletiger, nocturnal

tigers are nocturnal animals