earthen pots, earthenware, health professionals, slow cooking, earthy flavor

Alkaline by nature, an earthenware pot enhances health.

earthen pots, earthenware, health professionals, slow cooking, earthy flavor

The alkaline nature of earthenware or clay pots neutralizes the acidic nature of food, maintains the pH balance, and makes food simple for you to digest. The clay pot not only improves the taste of our food but also adds minerals. Calcium, phosphorous, sulfur, magnesium, and a few other essential minerals are abundant in food cooked in earthen pots.

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Unlike English or any other language, Hindi words are pronounced exactly as they are written.

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Pancreatic cancer has a genetic component.

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Daredevils Have Gone Barrel Down Niagara Falls

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Medical journals back up the power of positive thinking.

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Red hair is found in less than 2% of the world's population.

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Did you Know? There are so many uses of cucumber!

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Did you Know? There are genes that can describe that you are an early riser or a night owl.

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Students who write longhand notes remember more and have a deeper understanding of the material than those who take notes from laptop.

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Did you Know? There are some magnificent monasteries in Moldova

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Sylvia Plath won a Fulbright Scholarship.

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Teletubbyland's Rabbits Were Also Large.


Lobsters never stop developing.


Natural protein fibre known as silk is typically produced from the cocoons of silkworms.

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There are a lot of strange dictionaries out there.

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Blue is the favorite color of whole of the world.

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