rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brasilia,  capital

Christ the Redeemer is one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Brasilia,  capital

The cultural landmark is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, representing a global emblem of Christianity and a major tourist attraction in Rio de Janeiro. Christ the Redeemer is 30 meters tall, atop an eight-meter pedestal overlooking the city.

Related Facts

Long before settlers arrived, first Nations peoples were already eating lowbush blueberries.

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Earthern pots maintain the food's original flavour and nutritional value.

summer, summer season, summer carnival

In southern England, over 37,000 people gather at Stonehenge to see the summer solstice.

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He or she will hide their tail behind their hind legs out of fear.

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Did you Know? Moldova has a breakaway territory

summer, summer season, summer carnival

Astronomy is where the phrase "dog days of summer" originated.

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Dust mites do not bite people and are not parasites.

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Did you Know? A ghost was a boys best friend

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The Ancient Hindus Knew How Long A Year Was.

Lowbush berries

Lowbush berries are mainly produced in Canada.

sea  lamprey, Atlantic Ocean, Welland Canal, Lake Ontario, Lake Erie,

Other countries, ironically, consider marine lamprey to be a delicacy.

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The most typical cause of ulcers is a bacterial infection.



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How do you know If your body clock is off?

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The oldest known pet cat existed 9,500 years ago

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Following the use of a steroid inhaler, rinse your mouth.

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Did you Know? All eggs are hormone free.

Afrikaans, african, dutch

One of the reasons South Africa has 11 official languages is because of Afrikaans.

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Did you Know? Indian Ocean Has Several Tectonic Plate Boundaries


beagles need regular grooming

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Did you Know? There is a thin ring around Jupiter

korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

Formality is indicated by special nouns and verb endings.

coffee, coffee facts, facts about coffee, coffee, coffee facts, coffee power, coffee drug

Did you Know? Brazil is the biggest producer of coffee.


The yeti's etymology is extremely hazy.

Birmingham, Venice, Italy, United Kingdom, England

Cluedo originated in Birmingham.