bali, amazon, seas, corals, sealife, biodiversity

Malevolent spirits are not permitted.

bali, amazon, seas, corals, sealife, biodiversity

Spirits are everywhere in Bali, and they keep the zen balance. And there are numerous methods for keeping evil at bay. An aling aling is a screen installed behind compound gateways to keep them out. (Also, Aling Aling is the name of one of Bali's most powerful waterfalls.) Balinese residents put food and incense wrapped in banana leaves outside their homes and shops every morning to satisfy the ghosts. There are also loud processions and terrifying stone carvings on walls to scare them away.

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For thousands of years, wisdom teeth have served no purpose.


Legs can grow back on centipedes.

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Budapest provides free public transportation to all EU citizens over the age of 65.


Insects are extensively consumed across Cambodia.

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Your skin doesn't have to itch from retinoids.

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Plates shattering on New Year's Eve are considered good luck in Denmark.

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The Average Tongue is about 3 inches long.

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The world's tiniest cathedral city

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds aid with weight reduction.

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Passports Around the World

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The army of Terracotta It's not just the military.

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Did you Know? Fruit snacks and cars are coated in the same type of wax.

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A Jolly Roger is the skull and crossbones flag that flies at the top of a pirate ship.

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Rutilated Quartz and Lemurian Seed Crystals contain information.

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Foods and supplements:

bee dance, bees dance,

Well Bees not only Sting, they Dance too

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Sugary beets are a nutritious snack.

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High-rise bamboo!

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Did you Know? Puppies are born deaf and blind.

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Where is the origin of Tandoori?

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Did you Know? Munitions girls kept football alive throughout World War I.

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Sunflowers are used medicinally.

Mango grafting

Mango grafting also benefited from Mughal patronage.