scientists, hypothesize, particles, standard, model, physics, electrons, neutrons, quarks, gravitati

Dark matter might be created by a boson companion.

scientists, hypothesize, particles, standard, model, physics, electrons, neutrons, quarks, gravitati

Scientists hypothesize that all the particles known in the Standard Model of particle physics, such as electrons, neutrons, and quarks, belong to a particle category called "supersymmetric partners." Dark matter is a form of stuff that cannot be detected with traditional sensors but can be discovered by its gravitational effects. Some scientists believe that a particle is known as the wino — the W boson's supersymmetric companion — might help explain dark matter.

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Mango grafting also benefited from Mughal patronage.

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Collagen shields the skin from oxidation:


Several times a year, Christ gets struck by lightning.

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The Most Profitable Film of All Time Is Paranormal Activity

 Abraham Lincoln

According to one conspiracy theory, Abraham Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, did not die.

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It's Fine to Change Brands

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Anxiety Disorders Increase Risk Of Health Complications

ancient times

Since ancient times, people have been removing cataracts.


Blueberries' purple-blue colouring is a sign of their high antioxidant content.


Santa has a valid pilot's licence.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls is made up of three waterfalls.

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The 1979 NCAA tournament marked the beginning of the careers of basketball legends.

Dulce De Leche

Is Dulce De Leche made with butterscotch?

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Fun Fact! Several studios turned down Star Wars (1977).


"Comfortable hole, bye," a gorilla says in response to a query about death.