pompeii, Giuseppe Fiorell, Italian, architect, Mount Vesuviu, pumice

Pompeii and Pink Floyd

pompeii, Giuseppe Fiorell, Italian, architect, Mount Vesuviu, pumice

Pink Floyd, a rock band, captured a live performance in Pompeii's Roman Amphitheater in 1972. There was no audience present, but director Adrien Maben had realized his vision; the sound was incredible, and it was unquestionably a significant moment in rock history.

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One of nature's rock stars is broccoli.

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Wyoming is home to Yellowstone National Park.


toxins are absorbed by sunflower

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Did you know.... Bill Murray is not represented by an agent.

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Cancer-fighting qualities


Rare Are the Deadly Rattlesnake Bites


Get Medical Assistance if You're Still Having Breathing Issues.

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Much bony fish have multiple sets of nostrils.


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The man who is credited with writing Auld Lang Syne did not complete it.

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Pirates did wear patches, but not because they were all missing an eye.

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Bhutan only opened to tourism in the 1970s.


The 21st century's antibiotic will be a probiotic.

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They snooze in the dunes.


Golf was anything but relaxing in Walt Disney's opinion.



sunflower, Guinness Book of World Records, flowers, Hans-Peter, Germany

The tallest flower is a sunflower