coffee, coffee facts, facts about coffee, coffee, coffee facts, coffee power, coffee drug

Did you Know? Brazil is the biggest producer of coffee.

coffee, coffee facts, facts about coffee, coffee, coffee facts, coffee power, coffee drug

Brazil produces roughly 40% of the world's coffee, far outpacing other coffee-producing countries. They've managed to keep the top spot for the last 150 years, and their coffee plantations cover approximately 27,000 km2. I don't think any other country will be able to dethrone them any time soon!

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There are clear differences between north and south korean.

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Did you Know? A famous 'Pulp Fiction' shot was filmed in reverse.

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Did you Know? Greek Fire, a weapon of the Eastern Roman Empire, was utilised in ship-mounted flamethrowers.

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The acid in your stomach is strong enough to burn your skin

Gummy Bears

Gummy Bears Are A German Invention


Chihuahuas are descended from an old breed.


Your immune system is supported by vitamin D.

Lowbush berries

Lowbush berries are mainly produced in Canada.

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Did you Know? The Amazons once invaded Washington DC

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Laotians consume more sticky rice than any other country on the planet.

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Roses are one of the oldest flowers .

coffee, coffee facts, facts about coffee, coffee, coffee facts, coffee power, coffee drug

Did you Know? Coffee was discovered by a goat herder.

Inuit art

With a lengthy history, Inuit art is incredible!

Spine, spinal cord

We are born with 33 vertebrae and lose some as we get older.

Chamomile tea

Those who drink chamomile tea on a daily basis may benefit from it.

korean, language, English, hangul, verb, Chinese

Formality is indicated by special nouns and verb endings.